Our Team

Jared Weiss, MD

Board Member

Ben Vincent, MD

Board Member

Dr. Weiss is a clinical oncologist specializing in lung and head/neck cancers.  He serves as an associate director of the Lineberger Clinical Protocol Office and is a lead investigator in numerous new and ongoing immunotherapy clinical trials.  His full bio is available here.

Dr. Vincent is a physician-scientist and the Faculty Director for the Immunogenomics Facility at the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and was responsible with Dr. Weiss for the creation of the PANDA-VAC program including getting it through the FDA approval process.  His full bio is available from UNC here.

Dr. Rubinsteyn is a computer scientist whose research focuses on computational immunology, cancer genomics, and personalized vaccine design.  Prior to joining UNC in 2020 to lead up this research, Rubinsteyn spent six years at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, where he helped start and run multiple personalized cancer vaccine trials. His full bio is available from UNC here.